Sunday, October 12, 2014


The term “feminism” is derived from ‘feminismi’ a French world, which was coined by Utopian socialist named Fourier’s. The world feminism was used to indicate a support for women’s equal, legal and political rights with men. Feminism is a philosophical doctrine or a political movement. Feminism needs to be understood as essentially concerned with the equality of woman and man, and with attempt to attain equal, legal and political right for women. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Women’s Status in Society

History is the silent witness and gives silent evidence in all matters. Hence it is the permanent record of the past event of history. It keeps everything within itself but it discloses the fact if time needs.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Women’s Modeling

Modeling is a new fascinating career. It is really a western culture that has grasped our women so tightly. Now-a-days, women are participating in all the areas of economic and social development. Yong girls hailing from big, high, aristocratic and sophisticated families are taking up modeling as the latest career. This is a most interesting career full of glossy and money.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Empowerment of Women

In the past societies dominated by muscle power and money, men also determined the conditions of governing the relationship between men and women. Men also fought the wars and ran the enterprises of industrial production. They gave women a subordinate role in social and economic activities.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Domestic Violence

Violence results in misunderstanding might, power and a support by the underground big guns. It is a serious problem. Domestic violence is regarded as a worldwide problem. All countries of the world experience the barbarous custom of violence perpetrated by booty men and women of all calibers whether at home, workplace, street, primitive jungles areas steeped in the wars.